Saturday, October 15, 2011

Is Marijuana Legalization Even Possible?

I’ve heard this question asked a lot whenever the subject arises in conversation. Some think that this is an impossible cause, and that all of the people involved in trying to decriminalize marijuana are wasting their time. I couldn’t disagree more with this argument. This idea of legalizing marijuana has a very real possibility of success. Arguing that this is an impossible task keeps people from getting involved, and this stops the movement before it even has a chance to start. This movement has more than just a chance of succeeding; I truly believe that it will one day become a reality. I wouldn’t bother putting so much effort in to this blog if I didn’t believe my cause could never happen. There have been far more difficult changes in our country to overcome, and we can see that our cause can be obtained through hard work.
                If we look to history we will find that alcohol prohibition was a much more difficult task to overcome. Alcohol prohibition was a constitutional amendment, and Americans were able to get this amendment overturned. The process that is required to make an amendment to the constitution is brutal. It takes a lot of time and dedication to accomplish this task and the amendment needs overwhelming support if ever intends on becoming a reality. We have to really examine how much alcohol was despised by the country in order for prohibition to go into effect in the first place. American’s backed the idea with such fervor that it actually made its way into the highest law of the land. Trying to get any amendment abolished today would really seem like an impossible task. The fact that an amendment concerning prohibition was overturned is huge motivation when addressing our cause. This also helps to get people to realize that ending marijuana prohibition can and will eventually occur.
                Even more incredible than an amendment being overturned was that in order to overturn it there had to be another amendment passed to do so. There is no other way to do it! Legalizing marijuana would be much easier to accomplish than trying to make any sort of amendment to the constitution. I really have to wonder what people thought about alcohol prohibition. Did they believe that trying to get it overturned was impossible at first? I have to believe they did because I can hardly think of how we could abolish any amendment to the constitution today without some serious debating and huge national support.
                In today’s debate concerning marijuana we don’t have to worry about making an amendment to the constitution in order to legalize this plant. Marijuana legalization is much more attainable now than ending prohibition was then. We cannot let ourselves be stopped before we have a chance to start. Marijuana legalization is attainable through hard work, dedication, and perseverance.              


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